On a crisp December 24th, 2021 snow fell on the secret tower, a rumble in the distance. Then a whinny. From the Elysian Fields, a herd of 567 ponies appeared in the FRWC.
These ponies were given as gifts to people in the community who had lore posted into the Book of Lore. I had Galatea's story of her meeting Litho.
A little over a year later the lore and location of Blacksand was created. Blacksand developed first into warrior/wizard competition and then into pony racing using the Elysain ponies. Months later mecha ponies were created and people now race these ponies. Soon there will a burning of mecha ponies were owners of characters can get a soul pony. Yes I am going to burn some of my mecha ponies into a soul. Who will burn??????
Soon I will burn some of my Mecha ponies and make them soul ponies. Who will burn?
Stop back to find out!
Quantum was given to Sharon as a part of her 3rd place winnings from the BlackSand tournament. Quantum was raised by hippies before being acquired by Sharon.