Wizard Characters
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Sharon (0xsharon)
Wizard Characters

Wizard Characters

Below are the stories for my wizards. On a different page I have the canon for soul Lucinda and her ghost bat Rocky. Learn how all the characters are connected.

News and updates about the Wizards

  • January is starting off fun! My wizards from the Emerald Forest are busy fighting a baby beast named Nayeira. She is a black half bird and half snake who sucks the blood of her victims. 100 percent evil. All my stories can't be rainbows and smiles.

  • 12/10 There's a rumor...shhhhhhh that Galatea and Litho have been added to the Runiverse game by Elf. Can't wait to run around the game and see if I can find her. If I do I will take a picture.

Daphne, Carly, Galatea, Sonja, and Calli
Daphne, Carly, Galatea, Sonja, and Calli
Solomon (Papa), Shaman Lumos, Casper, Zane, and Aleister
Solomon (Papa), Shaman Lumos, Casper, Zane, and Aleister
Goober, Keziah, Soul Lucinda, Goliath, and Asmodeus
Goober, Keziah, Soul Lucinda, Goliath, and Asmodeus

Enchanter Galatea of the Heath and Her bullfrog Litho #3764

Galatea was the first Forgotten Runes Wizard I obtained in August 2021. There was something about her that made me want to write stories. It was like opening a magical treasure box. Thank you to Magic Machine for creating a company filled with talented creative people from all over the world. I am honored to be part of a community where people are kind, helpful, and fun to work with.

Art of Galatea made by AI

Galatea's parents Bromley and Nurgada
Galatea's parents Bromley and Nurgada

Enchanter Carly of the Surf and her Sun cat named Mineral #9578

Carly will steal from you while getting you to think it's a great idea. #9578
Carly will steal from you while getting you to think it's a great idea. #9578
My drawing of Carly
My drawing of Carly
Garments for Carly made by https://twitter.com/SoloSpaceID (Dr. Pop)
Garments for Carly made by https://twitter.com/SoloSpaceID (Dr. Pop)
Radiant Agri Delicato. He is Carly's quartermaster. She calls him Q and his friends call him Rad. He is a character I made up.
Radiant Agri Delicato. He is Carly's quartermaster. She calls him Q and his friends call him Rad. He is a character I made up.

Art of Carly made by AI

Enchanter Daphne of the Forest #85 and her great horned owl Lily.

Daphne has been chosen to be in a board game on sale this coming year.

Forgotten Runes: Legacy of the Secret Tower is the name of the board game. You can play as Daphne as she tries to fight against the evil Nightmare Imp.

Daphne is the keeper of the ancient book of magic. The only way to find her in the Emerald forest is if her great horned owl Lily allows you. #85
Daphne is the keeper of the ancient book of magic. The only way to find her in the Emerald forest is if her great horned owl Lily allows you. #85
Daphne's card in the board game.
Daphne's card in the board game.

Art of Daphne made by AI

Enchanter Sonja of the Astral Plan #7978 and her blue rat Blitz

Sonja has to decide if she really is a dark sister or will she choose another path. #7978
Sonja has to decide if she really is a dark sister or will she choose another path. #7978

Art of Sonja made by AI

Alchemist Zane of the Plains #9311

Alchemist Zane is difficult to find but he can help you cure almost anything.  #9311
Alchemist Zane is difficult to find but he can help you cure almost anything. #9311

Canon for Alchemist Zane of the Plains #9311

Art of Zane made by AI

Summoner Goliath of the Grotto #6486 with Arwilla

Goliath #6486
Goliath #6486

Art of Goliath made by AI

Cosmic Mage Solomon of the Road #2942 and his blue slime Torwilla


His lore is in the process of being re-written. Solomon's familiar is a sapphire slime named . Torwilla.

Art of Solomon made by AI

Magus Aleister of the Ether #927

Art of Aleister made by AI

Hedge Wizard Casper of the Garden #9078 and his white rat Adofo

Art of Casper made by AI

Canon for Casper

Casper knows what happened to the missing 11 wizards from the area now known as the village of Almanac. He has kept the truth from everyone for decades. Soon the answers will be revealed.

Shamon Lumos of the Hollow #8534 and his brown rat Nix

Canon for Shamon Lumos

Lumos has to decide if he should help Enchanter Galatea of the Heath find out the answers to why her mom has vanished. It is easier to live his life even thought he could be the hero. Shamon Lumos will need to decide if he is going to help Enchanter Sonja leave the Order of the Dark Sisters. Sonja could die.

Art of Lumos made by AI

Summoner Goober of the Oasis #8440 and his rabbit "The Broker".

Goober is a Koopling and not much is known about these strange characters. Some see them as boys and others as short men. They seem to get in lots of trouble and don't always have proper social skills which makes for some fun writing.

Hedge Wizard Keziah #5116 and her snake Sweetie.

Swamp Witch Keziah
Swamp Witch Keziah
Swamp Witch Keziah
Swamp Witch Keziah

Illusionist Asmodeus of the Mount #3872 and his companion Leema.

Illusionist Asmodeus
Illusionist Asmodeus

Hedg Wizard Calliope (Calli) of the Wild and her pet ladybug #6928

Calli's story isn't finished yet.