
Cathedral Catholic High School ('22) University of California-Berkeley Claremont Mckenna College ('26)

Cathedral Catholic High School

Principal Conroy - post Yellow Ribbon Week Interview
Principal Conroy - post Yellow Ribbon Week Interview
Senior Superlative "Girlboss"
Senior Superlative "Girlboss"
Girls Leading A Movement (G.L.A.M.) Club
Girls Leading A Movement (G.L.A.M.) Club
Student Leader of Freshmen Religious Retreat
Student Leader of Freshmen Religious Retreat
Outstanding Achievement in Video Production at "Evening of Excellence"
Outstanding Achievement in Video Production at "Evening of Excellence"
Most Rev. Francis J. Furey Senior Award for four years of a 4.0 GPA
Most Rev. Francis J. Furey Senior Award for four years of a 4.0 GPA
Executive Producer and Lead Anchor on Cathedral Catholic's Television Program (CCTV)
Executive Producer and Lead Anchor on Cathedral Catholic's Television Program (CCTV)
Vocal Performance and Music Journalism track at USC Grammy Camp (2020 & 2021)
Vocal Performance and Music Journalism track at USC Grammy Camp (2020 & 2021)
2021 Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism Cherub Program
2021 Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism Cherub Program

University of California - Berkeley
