BlackSand Sports League
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BlackSand Sports League

BlackSand Sports League

Welcome to BlackSand Sports League! Assemble your Squad of FRWC tokens and head to the pitch. Glory awaits!

Check out your available players at the link on the right:


Introducing: BlackSand Sports Leauge

BlackSand Sports Leauge is your chance to assemble your team, get them to the pitch and let them conquer glory through 1vs1 games

Anyone holding FRWC tokens or tokens of community collections will be able to craft cards for them.

Currently only 3 collections are supported for the game: Wizards, Warrios, Souls. More will be added (e.g., Beasts, Babies)

Card Crafting

Cards in BlackSand Sports League

You can decide to craft a BlackSand Sports League card for any of your tokens. Up to 7 cards during Testing League.

Cards include specs of your token such as name and origin.

They also include other game-related info

  • Player cost: indicates the cost to field the card in your Squad
  • Position: indicates in which position your card can play
  • Ball Skill: indicates what skills your card has
  • Game Rolls: inidicates the number of rolls the card grants you for each Half of a game
  • Bonus Point: indicates the additional points the card grants you in each Half

When you craft a card, Game Rolls are automatically determined based on your card rarity. A dedicated BlackSand ranking system is built for each collection

You will need to roll dices in Discord to determine your card's Position Skills and Bonus points

  • Roll 1x D12 to determine the Ball Skill
  • Roll 1x D6 to determine the Position
  • For Bonus Points: Roll 1x D4 if you are crafting a Warrior, Roll 1x D6 if you are crafting a Wizard or a Soul

Wizards can re-roll Ball Skill Rolls 1 time

Souls can re-roll Ball Skill Rolls 2 times

Warrios cannot re-roll

The last roll you cast decides the Skill your token learns, you cannot chose.

Additional Crafting Rules

  • You need to hold an FRWC token to be able to craft their card for BlackSand racing
  • All you need to play any game is 4 cards. The maximum of 7 cards gives you the ability to create more to have subs available, but it is not required to craft more than 4 cards to play
  • If you do not hold at least 4 FRWC tokens, you can team up with other community members and create a joint BlackSand Sports League Squad

BlackSand Sports League Squad

In each game, you can field a Squad of 4 cards.

  • The combined cost of your cards cannot exceed 20
  • You can only field a max of 2 Souls
  • You can field max 2 Defense and 2 Offense players. Any number of Generalists

Game Sequence

Games in the BlackSand Sports League are 1vs1 matches.

During a Leauge, you will be assigned to your opponents for each game of the season.

Games have up to 4 phases

  • Game Settings
  • First Half
  • Second Half
  • Extra Time (depends on results of First and Second Half)

Stadium and Stadium rolls can be skipped during the Game Settings Phase for friendly or practice games.

Game Settings

Basic Game Settings

Given no one can ever settle on which sport should be played during a game of BlacKSand Sports, for each Half of your game you will need to roll and see what Ball is used.

During any Half, if any of your cards has the Ball Skill matching the Ball rolled for the half, you gain +1 extra point (+1 for each of your card with the Ball Skill).

Winning a game

Scoring and winning a game

The Team with most Points at the end of any Half wins the Half. Points reset to 0 after each Half.

  • The Squad with the most points in each Half, wins the Half
  • If a Squad wins both First and Second Half, they win the game
  • If after the Second Half, only 1 Squad has won 1 Half (i.e. the other Half ended in a tie), the Squad that won 1 Half wins the Game
  • If after the Second Half, both Squad have won 1 Half each, proceed to play the Extra Time. The Squad that wins the Extra Time, wins the Game! If Extre Time ends in a tie, the Game ends in a Tie

To calculate the points of each Half for your Squad sum the below:

  • Bonus Points: All Bonus Points from the Cards in your Squad
  • Ball Skill Points: If any of your cards have the Ball Skill that matches the Ball used during a Half, yuo gain Ball Skill Points. (e.g., if the Ball for the Half is a Football, and you have 2 cards with the Football Skill, you gain 2 Points)
  • Game Points: All Points you roll with the rolls granted by your cards

Advanced Game Settings

Advacned games can also leverage two more Settings: Stadium and Weather.

To determine the Stadium and the Weather of a game roll 2x D6:

  • 1x D6 to determine in which type of Stadium your game will take place
  • 1x D6 to determine the Weather conditions for the game

Note: these Advanced Settings can affect the type of players you can use in game and are meant as an additional layer of gamification once you are comfortable will the Basic Settings