Darya Foroohar avatar image
Darya Foroohar

Darya Foroohar

Writer and cartoonist extraordinaire. Interested in accessible public transit, intersectional activism, and pushing the boundaries of comics.

My Eyes, Your Gaze is OUT NOW!

Order here from Chicago's Bridge Books.

My zines are also carried by Radiator Comics, Domino Comics, as well as by indie bookstores in Chicago and NYC. For more comics, take a look at my Instagram or Patreon.


📍 Current roles

  • Prospect Researcher at Chicago Public Media

  • Freelance website and social media adminstrator

My Resume

resume darya june 2024.docx

All my work, in one place!

💡 Other work

💡 Sites I currently run or have designed

📅Upcoming Events!

🤖National Humanities Leadership Council Presentation

As a member of the National Humanities Center's National Humanities Leadership Council cohort 2023-24, I will be presenting my research this September at a virtual conference. Stay tuned for updates on my project, which focuses on the use of nonfiction comics in education.

🕐 Comic Events!

  • August 17- Autoptic Comics Fair – Minneapolis, MN

  • August 24-25- CAKE Chicago- Zhou B Art Center

  • August 31- Bridge authors reading at Open Books Pilsen

  • September 7- Zinemercado- Chicago, IL

  • September 21- Pictobeach Bazaar – Rockaway Beach, NY

  • October 5- Reading at Bernice's Tavern- Chicago, IL

  • October 26- SLICE- St. Louis, MO

