Rick Flash & The Adventurenauts seamlessly blends exhilarating and bold adventures that are so iconic to 1950s and 1960s science fiction shows...
...with the distinctive charm of modern, unconventional sitcom humor that is reminiscent of the style found in several recent popular television series.
Husband, father, and former atomic-Jet test pilot, Rick Flash was forced to
leave Earth 6 years ago to save it from cosmic beasts who still hunt him to
this day. Venturing through the vastness of outer space, Rick fearlessly leads the crew of the Adventure on their intense bid to finally return home.
Friend, tough guy, and soldier, Castleby has absolutely no understanding of how rockets, science, or space itself works. Even so, he has no regrets about crewing up with the Adventurenauts to save Earth from destruction. While he has no idea how the simplest feature on a rocket ship works, he is the guy you want by your side while you’re jumping into a nest of space-larva.
Scientist, advisor, and (often unwitting) cave adventurer, Bunny Love is not
only the most educated of the Adventurenauts, but also the one who
actually gets stuff done. Whether she’s trapped on the peak of a dangerous mountain with science as her only friend or working in the cockpit of the Adventure - surrounded by her crew, but still with science as her only friend - Bunny is the reason anyone on the Adventure is still alive after such a long time in space.
Tinkerer, ex-boyfriend, and accidental engineer, Wrench keeps the Adventure running smoothly even though he wasn’t actually hired to be the ship’s Engineer. When the ship isn’t in eminent danger of falling apart, Wrench can usually be found complaining about his ex-girlfriend, Kay.
Pilot, friend, and floating alien brain, Jerry is an egotistical alien who views
himself as superior to all lifeforms and yet, he just wants to fit in with the
rest of the crew. Whether using his alien abilities to get the crew out of trouble or get himself out of doing physical labor, Jerry is either the Adventurenaut’s greatest asset or their riskiest liability. It kinda just depends on the situation.